# The following instrucitons are for install on the c3sdev stack # At the moment it is not possible to access a local hosted image from the CDS (?!?!?). Hence we host the services on compute-0000 and turn this compute node off in puppet@:hiere/environment/c3sdev.yaml # It is also necessary to manually turn off the cdsrunner on compute-0000, i.e.: sudo systemctl kill cdsrunner # Clone the repository: git clone https://git.ecmwf.int/scm/web/servicelib-examples.git cd servicelib-examples # Checkout the last working version: git checkout v0.1_CDS_compatible # Build the Dockerimages for the services: ./build retrieve ./build mv_xs ./build plot-slice # Run the docker images by executing the "run" script within each of the services. This will equire 3 parallel sessions: cd retrieve # OR cd mv_xs OR cd plot-slice # For the retrieve service only, you willl have to export ecmwf_api credentials ./run # It is then possible to call the services using the hackathon.service function in the c3sdevbranch of the cds-services-contrib repository: https://git.ecmwf.int/projects/CDSC/repos/cds-services-contrib/browse/services/hackathon.py # An example workflow is given here: https://cds-dev.copernicus-climate.eu/toolbox-editor/201/hackathon @ v0.1